Fish Oil for Dogs: Reasons for Using, Effects, and Benefits

If you have a dog, taking care of his health is one of the most important tasks you do. After all, you love your canine companion and undoubtedly want the sound health for him that you want for all your loved ones. If your dog has a shiny coat of fur and looks perfectly active and energetic, he is undoubtedly healthy. However, if your pet is lethargic and shuns activities, you need to investigate whether he may be suffering from some health issues. Even if there’s no visible problem at the moment, your dog may develop severe health problems in the future if a condition is ignored. Make sure to consult your vet at first signs of malaise, and take your pet for a thorough checkup at frequent intervals.


Using Fish Oil for Better Health

If you’re unsure of the best way to keep your dog healthy, you might consider focusing on his diet. Dogs can develop health problems due to lack of proper vitamins or nutrients in their diet.  You will want to be watchful regarding your dog’s nutritional consumption. Make sure he’s not getting too much of any particular vitamin, since this can have damaging side effects.  It’s for this reason that you should be careful while supplementing his food with fish oils for dogs, since some supplements can contain too much of the benefit ingredients they contain for his needs. On the other hand, a deficit of a certain vitamin can predispose your dog to develop certain diseases, which makes it crucial for you to make the right choices for your pet’s diet.

Skin Conditions Your Dog May Develop

If your dog isn’t getting the proper amount of vitamin or nutrients through a balanced diet, he may suffer from a variety of health problems. For instance, if he’s not getting the right amount of vitamin E, he might suffer from skin issues such as rashes or a poor coat. Conversely, if a dog has too much vitamin E, he or she can be predisposed to cataracts, weight loss, severe pain, or muscle weakness.

Keep your Dog’s Weight in Mind

Remember that there is no standard dosage for dogs of all breeds or age. The proper dosage of vitamins may vary to a great extent according to the body weight of a dog. For instance, small dogs like Yorkshire Terriers or Shih Tzus are required a smaller dose,  while larger dogs like Greyhounds or Golden Retrievers need larger quantities of the same vitamin.

Mix the Right Vitamins with Each Other

While combining the vitamins in a single feeding , you should be aware of which vitamins goes well with others. If you put two vitamins together in a single meal, the interaction may lead to side effects and your dog may even experience abdominal pain. So, if you are supplementing with more than one individual supplement, it’s essential to know about different vitamins and their probable reactions when combined with other supplements.

Selecting and Finding the Right Supplements

Today, dog supplements are plentiful on the market — you can find quality supplements at any reputable pet care and many health food stores, as well as order them online.  The ability to research multiple providers and compare reviews and prices on line allows smart consumers to get the highest quality at the best price, as well as make educated decisions about how to use supplements.

Choose the Right Supplement for Your Dog                                                       

When choosing a supplement for your dog, you do need to exercise caution. If your dog’s reluctant to ingest a vitamin or supplement, consider mixing it with a tasty meals or snack. All you need to do is to mix the supplement well with the food, so that your dog will easily consume it without rejecting it. Dog owners often disguise a pill or capsule in a slice of cheese or scoop of peanut butter, and some capsules allow opening the gel case for sprinkling into moist foods.

Opt for Further Treatment

If you plan to give your dog fish oil supplements on a regular basis, it’s wise to check with your vet before going ahead with it. Keep track of whether the fish oil vitamins are having positive effects on your dog’s health or not. This will also help your vet determine the optimal diet and future course of action for your dog. Depending on the effects of the vitamins, the dosage or the brand of the vitamin may need to be changed. Since allergies in dogs are quite common, you should also take note if your dog is seems allergic to a particular brand of vitamin or supplement.

What are the Benefits of Fish Oil for Dogs?

There are several health conditions that can be treated with the help of fish oil. For instance, if your dog has been suffering from any kind of inflammatory disorder such as ulcerative colitis or inflammatory bowel disease, omega-3 essential fatty acids may help cure the condition. If your dog suffers from arthritis, then EPA (one of the main constituents of fish oil) can help reduce damage to affected tissues. So, go ahead, consult your vet and let your canine friend benefit from fish oils.

By: Craig Davis

Craig is the founder of Vet Organics, where he shares additional pet-related articles on the company’s blog. Vet Organics markets and produces their flagship product, EcoEars, along with a growing array of premium products dedicated to the health and wellness of pets.

By Guest Author

Puppy Education is a site dedicated for dog owners on how to train and look after their puppy. If you have a puppy and would like to share your own experiences and knowledge, you can write for Puppy Education.