Never ever treat dog training like a diet, and give up on it after 3 days; some dogs learn a lot in 3 days, some take 3 weeks for a simple command. If you are going to get a puppy you need to remember what that puppy grows up like is down to you, if you don’t put the effort and time in while they are young you will probably face issues in later life, If you get a puppy at 8-10 weeks your looking at approx 2 hours training per day, almost every day for the first 4 months of the dogs life, but remember this, if the dog lives to 15 years old then what’s 4 months of dedicated committed training at the beginning.
One thing that is really important with any dog, especially puppies is set the house rules early, as long as they are fair, you have to decide things like, Shall I let my dog on the sofa, shall I allow my dog upstairs, or in the bed with me, Shall I allow my dog free roam of the downstairs ect…. Just make sure you have a couple of rules at least, it will help the dog learn. Everyone has different wants, needs and expectations for there dogs.
It is important to remember that most puppy’s will nip, it is often seen as quite sweet and cute in a 8-10-12 week old puppy, and sometimes yes they grow out of it, but most don’t. It is a natural thing for a puppy to do but you have to teach it that it is not acceptable doing it to people, If you don’t you will probably end up with a 2-3 year old dog who still does it, not so funny anymore is it. The best way in my opinion is to implement the discipline (explained earlier in the book) allowing for the age of the dog, If it is a 10-12 week old puppy then a stern No and finger pointing every time it nips, if it ignores this 2-3 times then get up, walk away, ignore the pup, if it follows and keeps on then repeat the stern ‘No’ followed by a stern ‘Enough’ and put in the naughty place.