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Best Practices for Keeping Your Dog in Great Shape

Having a dog is one of the most rewarding experiences in life. They are loyal companions that will love you unconditionally and make your life more enjoyable. To ensure that your pup lives a long and healthy life, it’s important to know how to keep him healthy, and that means taking steps to give him the proper diet while maintaining an active lifestyle. Here are some of the best practices for keeping your dog in great shape, courtesy of Puppy Education.

Boost His Diet With High-Quality Food

Your pup’s diet is incredibly important for his overall health. Look for higher-quality food options, such as grain-free formulas that are made with natural, protein-packed ingredients. This type of food helps provide essential nutrients that will help keep your pup fit and active while allowing him to maintain a healthy weight for his breed and size. By providing him with this delicious kibble dog food, you’ll be helping him make the most of his diet.

Make Active Playtime a Priority

Exercise is essential for keeping your dog healthy and happy, especially if he stays indoors for much of the day. Make sure he gets at least 30 minutes of exercise every day with walks or playtime in the backyard. This not only helps him stay physically fit but mentally stimulated as well, which will help reduce any destructive behaviors from boredom or lack of activity.

Stay Up-to-Date on Vaccinations

Vaccines are an important part of keeping your dog safe from diseases while also protecting other animals in the area from catching those same illnesses. Flea and tick medication is also essential, as these pests can carry diseases that can be detrimental if left untreated. Work with a veterinarian to determine what vaccines and medications are best suited for your dog based on his age, breed, and lifestyle so you can keep him safe.

Make Grooming a Priority

Brushing and grooming are essential parts of keeping your pup’s coat looking good while also helping reduce shedding around the house. Regular brushing removes dirt, debris, and dead hair, and it will also help you keep an eye out for pests like fleas or ticks. Additionally, regular grooming helps maintain their coat color while also helping identify any potential issues, such as scabs or rashes, early on so they can be treated quickly.

Keep His Teeth and Gums Healthy

Just like humans, dogs need dental care regularly. It’s important to brush his teeth regularly (at least once per week) using toothpaste specifically designed for dogs. This reduces plaque build-up, which could lead to dental disease if left untreated over time. Additionally, look into dental chews and treats formulated specifically for dogs, which clean teeth while providing additional nutrients for gum health.

If your pet doesn’t like having a toothbrush in his mouth, look for a smaller option that fits over your finger and has soft bristles. Talk to your vet about whether your dog could benefit from a professional teeth cleaning—these can be costly as your dog will have to be given anesthesia, but are well worth it to prevent major health issues down the road.

Keeping your dog healthy benefits both of you since doing so will lengthen his life and allow you that much more time to spend together. With higher-quality dog food, your pet will maintain joint and digestive health so he can feel great every day, and with a solid exercise and play routine, he’ll keep his heart healthy. Talk to your vet about any issues where his weight is concerned, and stay on top of his oral health to prevent problems in the future.

How to Get Your Pet Sitter Ready and Able to Look After Your Puppy

If you’ve recently adopted a puppy but have to return to work, or you have a trip planned, then you’ll know the anguish that comes with the thought of having to leave your pet alone for a prolonged period of time. This may prompt you to hire a pet sitter to help take care of your puppy while away. Of course, you’ll have to choose the right one so you don’t have to worry about the welfare of your pet. Here’s how.

If you have recently welcomed a puppy into the family, visit the Puppy Education website for more information on how to take care of your puppy properly.

Take your time

There’s nothing more than feeling like you’re under the wire when it comes to selecting a suitable pet sitter for your puppy. Therefore, take your time and really take a look at who’s available, what their experience is, what their credentials are, etc., to ensure you are selecting a candidate based on merit. If you find it difficult to sift through many profiles online, then one way to get to the best of the best is by looking at reviews, testimonials, and ratings to get a better idea of what services they offer. Also, ask for referrals from trusted friends and family if you really want to be sure that you who are hiring is worth their weight in gold.

Meet them in person

If you want to get a feel for what a suitable candidate is like, then set up a meeting to meet your top candidates in person. This should also be useful to understand how well you communicate with each other and if their values align with yours.

The stress-relieving benefits of hiring a pet sitter

It can be distressing for pets, especially puppies, to be left alone for a long time. Having a pet sitter on standby to pop by from time to time can help to alleviate some of that stress as they’ll be there to comfort and reassure your puppy for a bit. Also, a pet sitter can assist with keeping a routine in place when it comes to meal times, daily walks, play times, etc., so that your pet feels there is someone there for him when you’re away. Having someone available to assist you when your plate is too full can also help you feel more relaxed and calm. If you’re calm and happy, your pet can sense this, which should make him feel much more at ease.

Making the necessary preparations

As you prepare to leave your pet in someone else’s hands, you may be wondering how you can better prepare your home to make the job easier for your pet sitter. Some of the items you’ll want to ensure are there and available for when needed might include:

  • Your pet’s insurance card
  • A history of their immunization
  • Medications they may require
  • A list of veterinarians in your area if there is an emergency
  • A diary that details what you do with your puppy routinely
  • Their food and special dog treats
  • Their bed
  • A leash and/or a muzzle (if you’re unsure of what will fit, be sure to measure the circumference and length of your puppies nose to get the right fit)
  • Things to groom him with such as dog brush, dog shampoo, a towel, a toothbrush, and canine toothpaste
  • A few stimulating toys
  • Your mobile number and an alternative number if they can’t reach you.

Once you’ve found the right pet sitter, you should have little difficulty showing them what’s required of them. Moreover, the right one should intuitively know what to do to make the experience less stressful for all.

Top Advantages of High Fiber Dog Foods

A healthy dog makes for a playful, active companion when on outdoor leisurely walks or physical activity. Hence the need for giving your dog healthy nourishment. Many dog owners don’t see the importance of providing their dogs with meals that high in fiber. But studies have shown how important a diet rich in fiber is important towards the good health of dogs.

Fiber is solely obtained from organic components and can be made part of your dog’s diet in many ingenious ways. You can do this by adding potatoes, green beans, or peas to the diet.

However, you need to consider the quality of fiber you give to your dog. You do not just give any food rich in fiber but could cause health complications for your dog. An example of such is corn. Do not allow your dog to consume just anything it comes across, like paper, for instance. Make sure it is highly nourishing. Going for foods that provide fiber in high proportions such as vegetables is a perfect choice.

There are two types of fiber that you can give to dogs. They are:

  • Soluble fiber
  • Insoluble fiber

Each type has its own benefits.

Soluble fiber tends to cause flatulence and constipation when you suddenly include it in a dog’s diet. Soluble fiber works best when you gradually include it in the diet in small proportions.

On the other hand, insoluble fiber is good because it does not cause diarrhea. It can be taken in high proportions compared to soluble fiber. It helps to speed up the process of food digestion when your dog is suffering from constipation. During bouts of diarrhea, it slows down the process, reducing the frequency of stooling. However, an over-abundance of this type of fiber causes loss in weight, diarrhea, diminished coat luster quality, and intestinal gas.

So, it is quite confusing why so many dog owners are unaware of the healthy benefits of high fiber dog foods. This is despite the recommendation by veterinary specialists on the importance of giving dogs food rich in fiber. Let us look at the benefits of giving dog foods that are high in fiber content to your dog.

A full list of the best brands can be found at

Benefits of Dog Foods with High Fiber

Fiber is a great addition to a dog’s diet, as we highlighted above. The benefits of dog foods with rich fiber proportions can be seen in three different ways. They are:

Great Digestion system

A healthy digestive system is further enhanced with the presence of fiber in the body of a dog. What’s more, the intestine of a dog comes naturally with the healthy bacteria class. As a result of their presence, fiber gets broken down into fatty acids. The fatty acids help to reduce the number of parasitic bacteria in the digestive tract. It also speeds up the recovery process of the colon when it suffers bruises.

The risk of dogs been susceptible to colon cancer is drastically reduced when they take in more fiber. This is because fiber reduces the impact of any carcinogenic substances innocently consumed by dogs.

Dogs that suffer from persistent constipation or stomach flatulence issues have been known to get better after taking more fiber. So, if you notice your dog’s stomach area is bloated or has developed a habit of frequently drooling around your house, introducing fiber is the best way to go.

Maintenance of Healthy Body Weight

Dogs that are very obese could make do with dog foods that have high fiber content. Many dogs fall sick mostly as a result of becoming obese. Apart from a lack of exercise, the lack of fiber has been linked to obesity in dogs.

To get the best results out of a bodyweight loss program for your dog, introducing fiber as part of their diet is great. Dog foods with high fiber content make dogs feel nourished while eating less. Most top dog food brands are rich in fiber, so you can easily get your dog reducing weight in no time.

However, you might not be able to afford these top brands. You can easily supplement this by adding foods rich in fiber to your dog’s food. Such supplements include peas, sweet potatoes, green beans while reducing the amount of food you give them. Thus, they eat less and feel full. This keeps them in top shape health-wise and active.

It is important to note that you should introduce fiber to the diet of your dog in small amounts at first, then subsequently increase the fiber amounts.

Stability in Diabetes Mellitus conditions 

Fiber is crucial for dogs that suffer from diabetes. There are classes of fiber that help to keep blood sugar levels at a constant healthy level. Dogs on diets that have high proportions of fiber have been seen to experience less blood sugar level imbalance. Thus, their bodies can efficiently manage the health issue.

Studies by veterinary doctors have shown that high fiber dogs food goes a long way in helping diabetic dogs deal with their levels of insulin sensitivity. Therefore, diabetic dogs should be provided with dog foods rich in fiber composition.

However, the proportions should be dished out after observing the dog. Some dogs with diabetes could tolerate moderate amounts, while others would prefer small amounts of fiber.


As humans, our bodies benefit a lot from inculcating fiber as part of our diet plan. The same goes for your dog. Giving your dog foods rich in fiber would help to be more active, have a healthy digestive tract, and deal with obesity problems. If your dog is diabetic, introducing moderate or small amounts of fiber into the diet is a good way to manage the issue. Be sure to visit your veterinary doctor to get good dog food brands for your dogs or the little ingenious ways you can provide your dog with more fiber content.

Puppy Know-How: 4 Apps to Get New Dog Owners Up to Speed

Getting a new dog is exciting, but also a bit overwhelming, especially for first-time pet owners. You know the basics—that your pup needs a collar, strong leash, a comfortable place to sleep, and ID tags on the off-chance he slips away. But you also know that’s not all you need to know.

How can you arm yourself with the knowledge to be a responsible dog owner? You can start by adding some of the latest pet-care apps. Make sure you’re ready for whatever surprises your new pup throws your way with a mobile upgrade. The newest iPhones and Androids, for instance, offer superior speed, a crystal-clear display, and ample memory to take on whatever apps you decide to load up. You can save on upgrading your phone if you sign up with a provider that offers plan and trade-in deals. For example, Verizon is currently offering a new iPhone 11 for around $29 a month.

There’s no shortage of iPhone and Android apps out there for dog lovers! Here are a few of our favorites to get you started.

PetCoach by PetCo

Do you wish you had a team of dog experts on call? With PetCoach by PetCo, you do. This mobile app connects you with an extensive network of veterinarians and pet trainers who are ready to answer your questions, free of charge. Whether you’re wondering if something is safe for dogs to chew on or you need to keep your pup from tearing up the couch, PetCoach can help.

Of course, no app is a substitute for your own veterinarian, so if you’re uncertain, give the vet’s office a call. Don’t have a vet yet? MyPet has a convenient tool you can use to find a new doctor for your dog based on your zip code.

Animal Poison by ASPCA

If your dog already has chewed on—or eaten—something you’re not sure they should have, you’ll want to turn to ASPCA’s Animal Poison Control Center. This mobile app has info on more than 300 different everyday pet hazards, as well as advice on how to respond to them. The information comes from the ASPCA’s own veterinary experts, and it can help you decide whether you need to book it to the vet or just give your furry friend some extra love and attention.


Ready to teach your new dog some old tricks? The Puppr app brings dog training into your living room with lessons by Sara Carson, one of the world’s top dog-trick instructors. If you’re looking for answers to specific questions, you can even upgrade to a premium option that includes real-time chats with Sara. The app teaches more than 50 tricks, so whether you want your dog to sit on command or jump through literal hoops, Puppr has you covered.

Just remember that every dog, just like every human, learns at his or her own pace. If your dog isn’t learning as fast as you’d like, PuppyLeaks notes you may be the one who needs to learn a new trick: patience.

Dog Monitor and Pet Cam by Annie

No matter how committed a pet owner you are, you can’t be with your dog 24/7. The Dog Monitor and Pet Cam by Annie can fill in the gaps. This pet monitoring app lets you check in on your pup while you’re away from home. You can both listen to and see your dog, and you can even talk to a pet who seems sad or anxious. The app will tell you if your dog is awake or asleep, too.

Annie’s Dog Monitor and Pet Cam makes a point of being compatible with older phones and operating systems, but as TechTarget points out, not all apps are backward compatible.

Gathering up the gear for your new friend is exciting, but it’s easy to overlook all that tech has to offer. Beyond the traditional essentials, make sure you have appropriate apps and a phone that can handle them. With just a handful of good tools, you’ll be ready for a life full of love and fun with your dog.

How to Make Your Dog’s Coat Healthy and Shiny

Just like human hair, your dog’s coat will reflect the dog’s health. This can be especially obvious if you live in a harsher climate such as Australia for example. What’s more, if the dog’s coat is dull and lackluster, the chances are that there’s something wrong with their diet. As your dog’s owner and friend, you have the power to keep your furry pal happy, healthy and properly groomed. That said, keep in mind the following tips that can give your dog a shiny coat.

1. Enrich the dog’s diet with Omega-3 and -6 fatty acids

Omega-3 and -6 fatty acids are anti-inflammatory and generally tend to improve the overall skin conditions. This also includes the look and feel of your dog’s fur. In general, it would be best to diversify the dog’s diet a bit by introducing fish, fish oil or flaxseed oil to it for added Omega-3. Essentially, two tablespoons of any of these are more than enough for a medium-sized dog. A teaspoon of sunflower oil, safflower oil or rapeseed oil is also beneficial as these are rich in Omega-6 fatty acids. Just make sure to opt for one addition of Omega-3 and one of Omega-6, as you don’t want to go overboard and risk your dog getting an upset stomach.


2. Use supplements to improve the dog’s coat and skin

In case your pooch doesn’t react well to oils or fish, it would be best to switch to some healthy supplement alternatives. During the extreme heat of Australian summers for instance, dogs seem to react better to supplements than oils in general. If you notice this problem in your pup, too, you might want to look into high-quality dog supplements in Australia or wherever you might reside in order to provide your animal friend with the most effective nutrients and vitamins for a healthy coat and skin. These supplements will add much-needed Omega fatty acids while tasting like chicken!

3. Brush and bathe your dog regularly

Even if your pooch tends to spend most of their time outside in the yard, you still need to stay on top of their grooming schedule. After all, this will affect the shine and health of the dog’s coat considerably. When it comes to brushing, you want to do it on a daily basis. But, when bathing is concerned, it would be best to consult your vet to find out the optimal bathing frequency for your dog in particular. Some dogs might have oilier skin and fur while others can suffer from drier and flakier skin. In that respect, you need to adjust the bathing accordingly as well as get the right shampooing products for your pup.

4. Prevent fleas, ticks, and mites

One of the biggest concerns for dog owners is the infestation of pests such as fleas, ticks and mites. These can damage your dog’s health, especially when it comes to skin and coat. In case you notice any rashes or sores, and even just thinning spots in the fur, make sure to bring your dog to the vet asap. However, the best thing you can do is to take preventative measures in the first place. This includes cleaning your home regularly as well as areas where your dog tends to spend a lot of time with appropriate products. Also, special collars and treatments can keep these pests away from your dog so don’t hesitate to ask about your options when visiting a vet. This is especially important in tropical Australia-like climates.

5. Keep your pooch happy

Stress can affect your dog’s coat as much as it can human hair. Precisely because of that, it’s important that you keep your dog happy. Dogs need to feel loved so make sure that you give them enough attention and cuddles on a daily basis. Also, it’s very important to let them use up their energy; if you don’t have a yard to let them run around make it a point to take them out for a walk every day. Furthermore, if you notice that your dog experiences separation anxiety every time you go to work, start working on getting the pup used to this occurrence regularly or at least make sure that they have company by dropping the dog off at the renowned kennel.

For anything that you might be unsure about, definitely go and talk to the vet. Ask as many questions as you need in order to provide the best care for your canine friend.