Your dog’s diet: keeping your dog happy and healthy

Dogs are a man’s best friend so the importance of them having a good diet cannot be underestimated. Many factors are associated with your dog’s diet including the age of the dog and health problems they may have. All these should be borne in mind when you are deciding what to feed them.

The age of your dog

Caring for a puppy is done on the same basic principles as caring for a human baby. You need to make sure that they are given the right amount of food at the right intervals and that this is monitored as they grow. They should be weighed regularly then fed according to their weight and recommendations from a vet or other animal health professional. These professionals are well placed to advise about feeding, which if you get it right means that your dog will have a long, happy and healthy life. The type of food you give can be a mixture of dry and wet food as most dogs prefer wet food but the dry variety can be good for things such as their teeth. It is important to ensure that your puppy has plenty of water to drink and that when they reach maturity, that you alter their diet accordingly.

For the feeding of an adult haustiere, the principles are very much the same and you should get advice from your vet about the best method of feeding for your particular dog. This could mean having food available for your dog at all times, making food available to them for a limited time, or limiting food to specific ‘meal times’. It is vital that whatever you are feeding to your dog it has the right balance of vitamins and minerals and this can be hard to achieve if you are attempting to cook food for your dog yourself. Under no circumstances should your dog be given raw meat to eat as this can not only be harmful to them but also to anyone who may come into contact with them.

Any health problems with your dog

Health problems that your haustiere may have can be managed by the use of diet so whether they have skin conditions caused by food allergies or problems with their joints, heart or teeth, these can all be aided by using the right foods and if necessary, nutritional supplements.

The consequences of an unbalanced diet

There are many consequences to your dog not eating healthy, nutritionally balanced food. Such consequences can include lethargy and lack of energy. You may also notice a difference in the quality of their coat and teeth. Long term, diet can affect the bones and organs of your dog so it is vital to get it right from the beginning.

What you feed your dog is the most important thing you can do for them and the long term consequences of not having a good diet do not bear thinking about. Always ensure that you have regard to your dog’s health when you are feeding them and if in doubt then speak to an animal health professional.

By Diyana lobo
Diyana Hall writes regularly on haustiere and pet health for a range of animal websites and blogs. In particular she has written about nutrition and diet for dogs.
By Guest Author

Puppy Education is a site dedicated for dog owners on how to train and look after their puppy. If you have a puppy and would like to share your own experiences and knowledge, you can write for Puppy Education.